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QuickStart! - Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Course

2hrs (22 Lessons) 2008-09-30

This Course can only be played using a subscription. You can play only first 3 chapters for free. Click Here to avail a subscription
Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 is a feature-rich web collaboration environment that is used by businesses both large and small. Users can share documents, participate in discussions, or share information easily and effortlessly using nothing more than a web browser. In this QuickStart! title, VTC author Greg Dickinson will give you a tour of SharePoint, as well as an introduction to the many ways you can communicate with others. To begin learning, simply click the links.

This is the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 QuickStart! and this is the course overview. We'll spend just a few minutes telling you what we're going to do over the course of the next couple of hours in this title. First we're going to start at the beginning, we're going to talk about Website Navigation and the different elements, how to get around the site, what the different links do etc.. We'll go on to talk about libraries and lists and how they are the core building blocks of any SharePoint implementation. Their very extensible, their very customizable and we'll show you how they work together to create SharePoint websites. We'll also talk a little bit about basic permissions and what permission levels grant you rights to view the SharePoint Websites, modify the SharePoint Websites or add content to the SharePoint Websites. We'll then move onto document management, we'll talk about checking documents in and out, how you can check a document out to prevent other people from changing it while you're modifying it and how to check it back in once you're done and we'll touch on how to override a document that was checked out onto a device that was then lost. Say your laptop was stolen for example. We'll talk about document and versioning which allows you to maintain drafts and previous revisions of documents for historical analysis and historical comparisons so that you can tell what was changed, when and by who. We'll then talk a little bit about Office integration, how you can perform the Docket Management Functions inside Microsoft Office 2007, more specifically Microsoft Office Word and Microsoft Office Excel. We'll then move onto team sites which are the most common type of websites in a SharePoint implementation. I'll get a little bit into advanced lists and libraries and exactly how you can tweak those lists and libraries to fit your exact needs, on how the permissions work on a list and library level and how to tweak those permissions to give just the people you want access to your team sites and libraries. We'll then move on to talk about blogs, how to post content in the blog. We'll move on to talk about content categories and how they can be manipulated both in the SharePoint Website as well as in an external editor application such as Microsoft Word. And how to do basic administration of your blog so that offensive comments and offensive posts can be removed quickly and easily. We'll move on to Wiki Sites, talk about creating and maintaining Wiki content which are two separate line items because they are two separate schools of thought. And last but not least we'll talk about working outside of SharePoint. We'll talk about how you can integrate Excel with the SharePoint and modify the list in SharePoint and push it back into Excel and we'll also talk about how to integrate a RSS reader with a SharePoint list or library, so you can tell when a document is changed without having to go out and keep a watchful eye on a document library website. And this concludes our introduction for the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 QuickStart!.  

  • Course: QuickStart! - Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0
  • Author: Greg Dickinson
  • SKU: 33918
  • ISBN: 
  • Work Files: No
  • Captions: No
  • Subject: Business Applications
  • The first 3 chapters of courses are available to play for FREE (first chapter only for QuickStart! and MasterClass! courses). Just click on the movie link to play a lesson.
Course outline
Overview (03:23)


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SharePoint Basics


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Document Management


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Working in Team Sites
Lists pt. 1 (05:46)


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Lists pt. 2 (06:02)


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Working in Blogs


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Working in Wiki Sites


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Working Outside of SharePoint


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RSS (04:59)


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Wrap Up


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