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iPlotz is a comprehensive wireframing, collaboration, and task management tool developed by VTC. Wireframing is a way to develop the layout and functionality of a website or application before starting any design work. A wireframe can be presented to clients, or potential clients, without any distractions from colors, graphics, or anything else. Locking down the layout first before working on any graphics or content can save huge amounts of time and money. Doing this eliminates the waste of redesigning things later, just because your layout has changed.
In this course, VTC author Rick Martin guides you through the entire iPlotz application. Starting with the iPlotz website, Rick explains iPlotz pricing, the signup process, and how to use the help system and forum to their full potential. He then details the iPlotz Desktop installation process and the differences between the desktop and online versions. He continues with an in-depth journey through project management and using the iPlotz tools and features before concluding with information on collaboration and wireframe sharing.
* VTC QuickStart! courses are available only to registered VTC Online University members.
Hello and welcome to the iPlotz training course. My name is Rick and I'll be your guide. These tutorials are available both in the Support area of the iPlotz website and on the website as a course entitled QuickStart!! iPlotz. In this course I'm going to guide you through the entire iPlotz system from start to finish. We're going to cover all of the tools and features of iPlotz and create a few projects for you to learn from. iPlotz was originally developed and used by VTC, the Virtual Training Company, as a collaboration tool, but it worked so well that we decided to make it available to the world. It's currently available in two versions: online as a web application and downloadable as the iPlotz Desktop. Functionally they are almost exactly the same, the only thing you cannot do with the Desktop is collaborate and share your Wireframes with other people, so I'll be spending most of this course using the Web application. Some of you might notice that the URL, shown in my browser during some of the lessons, is not the same as the one you might be using. This is simply because at times I'll be working with the development version of iPlotz that's currently in our pre-release staging area. This is the version that should be released for general public use by the time you view these tutorials. Because this version is pre-released, though, you might see the occasional quirk or error message while I'm working. You can disregard these because they should be taken care of by release time. And, while I'm on the subject of new version releases, we always welcome suggestions for improvements from our user base and we like to make our own improvements when we can, as well, so we be making occasional changes to iPlotz. We plan to update these tutorials every time we make changes to the iPlotz system, but you'll notice the occasional difference between iPlotz and these lessons. When you do, it's a pretty good bet that we're on to it. Bear with us and you should see the updated tutorials shortly. That being said, if you notice that something hasn't been updated for some time, feel free to let me know either by using the iPlotz feedback system, or by sending me a message. My e-mail is rick at Let's move on to the next lesson and get started.
- Course: QuickStart! - iPlotz
- Author: Ric Messier
- SKU: 34095
- Work Files: No
- Captions: No
- Subject: QuickStart!
- The first 3 chapters of courses are available to play for FREE (first chapter only for QuickStart! and MasterClass! courses). Just click on the movie link to play a lesson.