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Get a quick start into the world of FileMaker on the iPhone and iPad with VTC's QuickStart! course for FileMaker Go. This course features over 150 minutes of videos designed to educate a typical FileMaker developer on the "ins" and "outs" of FileMaker Go for the iPhone and iPad. Detailed discussions include hibernation, scripting limitations, tuning layouts for use on the iOS. Also included are discussions on container fields and web viewers, and syncing between go databases and master database running on a FileMaker Server. Updated for release of FileMaker Go 1.2. Get started right now by clicking one of the movie links below!* VTC QuickStart! and MasterClass! courses are available only to registered VTC Online University members.
Welcome to VTC's QuickStart! course for FileMaker Go. Hi, I'm Richard Carlton, and I'm going to be your instructor for this course. FileMaker Go is a database client software for the iPhone and iPad designed for use for the FileMaker platform. FileMaker is an extremely popular database platform, and has been around for more than 25 years. This QuickStart! course is designed for users who are already familiar FileMaker to get up to speed quickly with FileMaker Go. For those of you not familiar with FileMaker, VTC offers a number of training videos designed for new users to come up with speed with what FileMaker is. Put simply, FileMaker is a solution development platform. Fundamentally, it includes a FileMaker Pro product line, which is the client and development software that runs on the Macintosh and Windows platforms. There's also FileMaker Server, a separate software package that is designed to host or share FileMaker Solutions across an office network, or across the Internet. Both FileMaker Server, and FileMaker Pro can run on the Macintosh or Windows platforms. With the release of FileMaker Go, users now have the ability to access a FileMaker Solution on an iPhone device, or an iPad. FileMaker Solutions can be loaded locally on the iPhone or on the iPad, or users can use a wireless network to access a solution that's running a FileMaker Server. FileMaker Go is fundamentally designed for users who are in motion. As technology progresses forward, businesses and organizations who have users who are in the field, will want to strongly consider using FileMaker Go on an iPhone or iPad to give users access to important information remotely. FileMaker Go is not a development environment, but is designed for users to remotely interact with a database. Users can add, edit, view records, they can even view reports on the screens of their iPhone or iPad. In fact, FileMaker Go is designed to take advantage of some of the unique features of each of these devices. For example, on the iPhone FileMaker Go can instruct the phone to actually dial a number of a contact record that's in the database. Or for example on devices which have a camera built in, FileMaker Go can interact with that camera, to take pictures, and store those images in container fields inside the database. FileMaker Go is truly a revolutionary step forward for FileMaker Incorporated and all the millions of users, who use FileMaker every day. During different videos of this course, we're going to be looking at a number of sample files. One sample file is FileMaker Training Tool. This is a free Training Tool that my organization developed to help FileMaker users come up to speed with FileMaker Go as quickly as possible. This Training Tool can be downloaded at anytime, and should be considered a companion file to this QuickStart! course.
- Course: QuickStart! - FileMaker Go 1.2
- Author: Richard Carlton
- SKU: 34219
- Work Files: Yes
- Captions: For Online University members only
- Subject: Databases
- The first 3 chapters of courses are available to play for FREE (first chapter only for QuickStart! and MasterClass! courses). Just click on the movie link to play a lesson.