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Poser 7 is one of the most preeminent figure posing and animation pieces of software available. An important asset to have in any serious 3D creator's 3D toolbox, Poser 7 files can be imported into popular 3D programs like Maya, Lightwave, Vue and Carrara, making figure and animal animation much easier. Thanks to the new environmental/image-based-lighting (IBL), and Talk Designer, levels of realism are now easier than ever to quickly achieve. This tutorial, authored by Mark Bremmer, was created with both the 3D beginner and seasoned commercial user in mind. Hobbyists and professionals alike will learn how to quickly integrate Poser 7 into a production pipeline and streamline workflow to efficiently and effectively create content for multimedia presentations. Work files are included. To begin learning today, simply click on one of the Poser 7 movie links.
Hello, and welcome to the VTC Tutorial Series on Poser 7. I'm Mark Bremmer and will be working with you through this tutorial series. Well, who is this tutorial series for? Is it for beginners, or is it for people that have some experience in 3D and maybe even experience in Poser? The answer is yes to both. If you're new to 3D we cover some of the ground very quickly on how to get up to speed fast with this software and start creating some compelling renders. If you happen to work in the commercial world like I do and want to use Poser for animations either for a television, for multimedia, or set up renders for print, I do cover ways that you can integrate Poser 7 into your pipeline and streamline some of that workflow to create rapidly some of the content that you need for those commercial applications. Poser 7 has quite a few new features with it that make it an exceptional piece of software to use, whether you're a hobbyist or whether you're a pro. Things from special morph target creations to the very cool new addition of the Talk Editor allowing you to sync up animated motion with sound files; very cool, as easy to use as the Walk Editor is. And if you're not familiar with Poser 7, you'll be introduced to those tools very shortly. Some other nice things that have been integrated into the new Poser 7 is HDRI support. That stands for High Dynamic Reflective Imagery. It's another one of those little tools that you can use to create very believable reflections in terms of intensity on your scenes when you create them. Instead of talking about them, we ought to just jump in and start working with them. There have been improvements to the workflow all across the board. The renderers have been accelerated and all round this release of Poser 7 is an incredible addition to your toolset, whether it's one of several 3D applications you've got, or whether it's just the one you're getting to create some very fun animations, stills, whatever you work with; this is a nice piece of software. So let's go ahead and jump into the lessons and get moving right away.