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Luxology Modo 401 Course

7.5hrs (119 Lessons) 2009-11-04

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Luxology Modo delivers the next evolution of 3D modeling, painting and rendering all in a single integrated package. Modo includes true 3D sculpting tools, animation and even allows network rendering. More than just features, Modo is a truly elegant integration of technology, raw horsepower and refined workflow. Professional illustrator, television animation art director and writer Dwayne Ferguson will show users how to get the most out of this powerful 3D content creation software. Learn the interface, cameras and lighting, animation and more. Work Files are included. To get started, simply click on one of the movie links.

Let's take a tour of some of the new features in Luxology's flagship application, Modo. This version is called 401 and no, there aren't 400 previous versions, it's just how Luxology numbers their application. So you have Modo 101, 201, 301 and 401 and so on. Now one of the cool new features is Inverse Kinematics. That's simply a way of animating things by having a chain of command. So if you make a robot's arm, for example, you can apply IK, which is short for Inverse Kinematics, so that when you bend the arm the rest of the joints follow. I'll show you guys how to do that later on in this course. Also new are a whole bunch of presets. I'm going to just throw a sphere down here and go to my Layout tab. Check this out down here, Materials, Environments, Meshes, Items, Assemblies, Profiles. Let's take a look at Materials. If you look in this list, there's Glass, Fur, Fabric, Lights and on and on. Just amazing. I'll go to the Stone category and I'm going to go to Brick. Hmm, this one looks good. Brick ball. Done. Just throw it on there, go to Render and you can see your texture applied. And, by the way, this new preview window is much, much faster than the older versions so what you see here is almost pretty much what you're going to get when you actually render. It's going to change the way you work, so you don't have to just add a Light, press F9 to see what the shadow looks like. You're going to see that right here. You're going to love this window. Also new are Volumetric Lights, so now you can have a little bit of fog in your lights. Very cool and I'll show you how to do that as well. Another cool thing: Hair and Fur. So let's see how that looks. I have this ball here, I'm going to go to my Shader Tree and I'm simply going to add a Fur Material and now we have some furry brick ball here, kinda cool. And that's just a quick example of how you can apply that material to your items. And I can zoom in on this and you can see we have fur. Very awesome. Speaking of awesome, we also have something called Replicators. Are you guys out there Star Trek fans like I am? Well, imagine creating your own Borg Cube invasion. You make one Borg and then you can replicate that Borg Cube and have thousands of them and your machine won't take a huge hit in rendering time because Replicators simply make a photocopy of that object and that's pretty much the layman's terms for it. It takes that guy and it turns it into an instance, so that instance uses very little system resources because it's simply looking at the original and making a quick copy of it. So I'll show you how to use that. And that is a little tour of the sneak peek of what we're going to do in this Course, so sit back and enjoy.  

  • Course: Luxology Modo 401
  • Author: Dwayne Ferguson
  • SKU: 34052
  • ISBN: 1-935320-79-3
  • Work Files: Yes
  • Captions: No
  • Subject: Animation & 3D
  • The first 3 chapters of courses are available to play for FREE (first chapter only for QuickStart! and MasterClass! courses). Just click on the movie link to play a lesson.
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New in Modo 401 (03:14)


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Input Devices (02:59)


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3D Primer


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Navigation (03:40)


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Components (03:58)


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The Interface
Workspace (03:40)


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Viewports (02:45)


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Work Plane (03:07)


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Preferences (02:57)


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Editors (03:55)


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Customizing (02:55)


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Pie Menus (04:02)


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Help (02:50)


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Quick Tips (03:13)


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Modeling 1


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Profiles (03:00)


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Falloffs (03:52)


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Backdrops (04:10)


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Replicators (04:00)


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Instancing (03:41)


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Modeling 2


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Displacement (04:06)


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Hair & Fur
Hair Tools (03:25)


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Style Hair (04:58)


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Create Fur (03:46)


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Shader Tree
Materials (03:56)


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Presets (03:25)


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Blend Modes (03:50)


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Image Ink (04:38)


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Paint with External Apps


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Vertex Maps (02:38)


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Weight Maps (03:37)


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Stencil Maps (05:36)


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UV Maps (02:58)


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Morph Map (02:52)


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Luminous Mesh (04:53)


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The Camera (03:45)


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Target Camera (03:40)


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Ray Tracing (03:47)


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Shadows (02:54)


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Physical Sun (02:30)


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Baking (04:59)


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Render Frame (03:48)


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Turntable (01:49)


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Animation (03:25)


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Image Formats (02:58)


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The Timeline (03:56)


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Keyframes (05:04)


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Channels (02:15)


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Graph Editor (04:24)


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Project: Rocket Ship


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Concept Art (03:29)


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Project: Apartment


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Reference (03:14)


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Project: Mountains


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Lake (03:53)


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Apply Texture (04:03)


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Bump (02:42)


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Project: Animation


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3D Text (04:47)


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Grinders (05:21)


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Steel Beams (02:59)


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Animate Light (02:54)


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Materials (04:32)


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NFL Beams (03:16)


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Websites (02:26)


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Downloads (02:30)


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Magazines (02:34)


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Wrap Up (02:39)


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