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The de facto interactive animation package, Flash, is a must-have in the arsenal of every web and mobile designer. In this VTC course, you'll discover the ins and outs of creating and managing Flash movies and interactive content. Come along for the ride as we delve into working with Flash's interface, tools, and objects. You will learn how to manage shapes, build symbols, and manage instances. Follow along with author Geoff Blake as he shows you the huge array of animation techniques, including tweened sequences, applying easing, and special effects. From there, edit your animations and publish your work in a variety of formats for the world to see, including SWF, Adobe AIR, and HTML5. All this and more awaits in Adobe Flash CS6!
Hi there. This is Geoff Blake for VTC and I want to welcome you to our Adobe Flash CS6 Course. I'm really excited to dig into the world of Flash and Flash Development here with you. Before we do though I want to give you a rundown of some of the topics that we're going to address here. We're going to start off by having a conversation about Flash, understanding what Flash is and how it functions. There's several components to Flash that I want to make sure that we understand before we move on. And then what we'll do is we'll get comfortable inside the Flash interface. We'll work with Flash Panels and we'll tour through Toolbox and we'll customize Flash Workspaces. I'll show you how to adjust some preferences and so on. And then what we'll do is get into Navigating. We'll get into working with different Flash movies and multiple Flash Files and getting around inside those files efficiently. Then it's going to be all about creating content, drawing objects using Flash's Drawing Tools and Shape Tools as well. We'll get into managing objects inside Flash, working with colors, gradients. I'll show you how to create some custom colors and save those colors for reuse later on. And then things are going to take a bit of a turn. We're going to get into something called Symbols and Instances which really forms the foundation for what Flash is all about. You'll see the three primary symbol types, that is graphic symbols, button symbols and movie clip symbols. And you'll see how to edit symbols and work with them inside the library as well as how to work with Symbol Instances. And then what we'll do is we'll take another bit of a turn and get into animation. We're going to create Motion Tweened Animation and you'll also see how to work with Flash's Animation Presets as well. I'll show you how to edit your animation sequences and also how to control your animation playback timing. As well as how to get into some traditional animation inside Flash as well. We'll have a quick conversation on Flash Layers before we get into setting up your publishing options. In other words getting your Flash project out of Flash and into the, the great outside world. Right. So whether that's on a mobile device or a desktop device running Adobe AIR, a website publishing to SWF and how to publish to HTML5 as well. So I hope that sounds like a lot of fun. Let's dig into, here we go. This is Adobe Flash CS6.